Elena GorganSoftpedia editor profile and review archive

Believe that the pen is mightier than the sword: a humanist by education, a dreamer by inclination and a perfectionist by habit, I always believed in the magical power of words. Having joined Softpedia in 2006 and constantly working on my ninja word-skills, I now have proper confirmation that words can – and do – change the world.

My hobbies include writing and literature (no surprise there), hiking, movies, music and (the occasionally disastrous) culinary experiments. Somehow, they all touch on my job so, if you want, call me the luckiest girl on a four-block area, because I'm always having fun and keeping busy.

If I'm not at work, trust you'll find me at home with a good book, at the movies or hanging out with my closest friends, always trying to absorb new experiences, learn more, be a better person.

You're more than welcome to join me on this amazing ride.

Contact Elena Gorgan:

Articles by Elena Gorgan:


Women Attracted to Men with Large Pupils

Study says pupils show a man’s interest
by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009

Exfoliators and Scrubs Can Ruin Our Face

We must refrain from indulging in the obsession for a healthy face skin
by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009

Death of Romance: Texting Rules over Love Letters and Poems

Survey shows Valentine’s Day is changing with technology
by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009
New ‘Crank: High Voltage’ Poster Is Out

New ‘Crank: High Voltage’ Poster Is Out

by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009
Promises even more “mad fun” than the first film

Why Jean Claude Van Damme Turned Down a Part in ‘The Expendables’

Because director Sylvester Stallone could not tell him what it was about
by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009

Dita Von Teese Is Looking for a Normal Guy

Burlesque dancer says she’s truly over Marilyn Manson
by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009
Usher’s Wife Stable After Plastic Surgery Scare

Usher’s Wife Stable After Plastic Surgery Scare

by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009
Publicist confirms Tameka Foster is OK

Octuplet Mother Not Able to Take Care of Her 14 Children

Her own mother seems to think that Nadya can’t provide for the kids
by Elena Gorgan, February 10th, 2009
Nadya Suleman Introduces Octuplets to the World

Nadya Suleman Introduces Octuplets to the World

by Elena Gorgan, February 9th, 2009
Continues to claim that she only did it for the children
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