Insiders talk of a “new project”

Jan 28, 2009 13:49 GMT  ·  By
Joaquin Phoenix is not a rapper, just playing a hoax on the entire world, insiders claim
   Joaquin Phoenix is not a rapper, just playing a hoax on the entire world, insiders claim

A couple of days ago, multi-award winning actor Joaquin Phoenix made his debut as a rapper in a Las Vegas club, much to the amazement of his fans who did not, for a second, believe that he was serious when he announced he would be quitting acting. New reports seem to indicate, though, that all could have easily been just a major hoax, with Joaquin punk’ing the media and all fans who have bought it so far.

Apparently, a couple of people who have been close to Joaquin in recent weeks, meaning, who tagged along while he was making his foray into rap music, spoke to EW and revealed that the reality was far from what we might have imagined. Phoenix has no intention of switching professions, they say, since what he’s doing right now is also an art project that he’s been thinking about for quite some time.

“He said, 'It’s a put-on. I’m going to pretend to have a meltdown and change careers, and Casey is going to film it,'” one source who recently worked with Phoenix told EW. “It’s an art project for him. He’s going full out. He probably has told his reps that he’s quit acting. Joaquin is very smart. This is very conscious. He has a huge degree of control.” another insider revealed for the same source about the actor’s recent out-of-the-ordinary behavior. Whether this project will ever see the light of day in theaters has not yet been announced, in any way.

This is not the first time that talk of a Sacha Baron Cohen mockumentary in the making is heard. When Joaquin, apparently very much under the influence of alcohol, took the stage in Vegas to rap, Vanilla Ice style, and then to tumble off stage more or less on his face, several gossip websites said that this was too embarrassing to be true. Chances are they were right, but, from what EW is reporting, it will probably take a while before Joaquin steps out of character to show the public what he has created.

In the meanwhile, below is one of the two videos of Joaquin Phoenix rapping that have made their way on the Internet. This one is where he falls as he tries to leave the stage.