Truth or Fiction?

Sep 14, 2005 15:08 GMT  ·  By

There seems to be a desire to break the Xbox 360 or test it to the limit. We've already heard about "the unbreakable Xbox" the other day from a very confident engineer from Microsoft.

The contender in this case is Bizarre Studios, the developers of Project Gotham Racing 3, a very successful game. They rendered a part of a course from the mentioned game with no less than 35.000 spectators in an effort to make the console lose its framerate. Apparently the Xbox 360 didn't even break a sweat and added more speculations to the real power of the console.

They went even further and claimed that future games would be able to support thousands of spectators at each corner or the track, thus adding to the realism. Their attempt failed, but they were very exited by the possibilities it has opened..

With all this publicity around Xbox 360 and the silence surrounding the PS3 you can't distinguish the truth anymore. On the other hand, if half of the speculation is true, then Microsoft has a winner on its hands!

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