"It has something to do with the Home Button..."-Play Station Home?

Mar 2, 2007 07:57 GMT  ·  By

Sony's Phil Harrison made a quite intriguing statement yesterday speaking to GDC's executive director Jamil Moledina, saying that PlayStation owners are in for a big surprise and that they will be "very happy" when the idea takes shape: "Basically, you get to make an avatar for your console and this avatar has a room. As you play games and accomplish certain tasks, you will receive items with which to adorn the room that are specific to the game. The kicker is that this is going to be a new requirement for every PS3 game..."

So are we talking about Sony's version of the achievement rewards? Maybe the words"...this is going to be a new requirement for every PS3 game..." shouldn't come as a surprise, nor scare you because until they launch the PS3 in the PAL territories (Europe, Africa, Australia), Sony will take no chances and pimp out the PS3 to meet demand as best as they can and to make sure it launches beautifully.

Harrison's following words from the same interview are the reason behind the "PlayStation Home" rumor: "We have something big coming up for the PlayStation Network, but I can't say anything about that yet. It has something to do with the Home Button on the SIXAXIS controller, and with the community." Don't you just hate it when they tease you like that? Anyway, keep in mind that lots of goodies are coming from Sony's staff because I repeat, they're not taking any more chances. Even if the PAL territories aren't exactly Sony's #1 priority concerning sales, their name is at stake as well.