What exactly was confirmed here anyway...?

Apr 3, 2007 09:21 GMT  ·  By

Remember the NIGHTS on Wii rumor? 'Course you do, who wouldn't? Well, it seems it's true after all as 1UP posts this piece, emphasizing that it most certainly isn't any hoax, or an April Fools' and that it was confirmed. Wait a minute...wasn't it confirmed already? However, I stumbled upon an amazon.com ad saying that NIGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii) will be released on 09/15/2007 and it's unrated by ESRB for the moment. Original NIGHTS creator, Yuji Naka won't have anything to do with the title though. The game is strictly under development by Sega's Sonic Team USA and will also be published by Sega.

Both Official Nintendo Magazine and GoNintendo tried earlier this month to give hints of the game's implementation on the Nintendo Wii, but later, NIGHTS was indeed confirmed. And it wasn't today. Live Nintendo posted on 22 March statements coming from parties involved with the game. They had confirmed that, instead of being a mere porting of the 1996 Sega Saturn title, the game (yet to be fully titled) would amplify the franchise making it its official sequel. Further more, the mags stated that "fans of the now original NiGHTS game shouldn't dismiss the probability of seeing our jester attired friend from appearing in 32-bit format as part of Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console Marketplace."

So what exactly was confirmed? It was the game's full name (probably, I'm still in the blur here): NIGHTS: Journey of Dreams. That's pretty much the last unknown detail about the game. Well...until now that is. So here's your double confirmation of NIGHTS' porting on the Wii console. And if the amazon ad is true, Sega's highly acclaimed title will hit the shelves on 09/15/2007 to fans' delight.