May 5, 2011 07:15 GMT  ·  By

The upcoming Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D has just received its first trailer, showcasing how the classic Nintendo 64 home console title has been remade for the new Nintendo 3DS handheld device.

While the Nintendo 3DS has been released back in March, Nintendo is allowing third party developers ample time to sell their own titles before bringing out its heavy hitters.

Leading the way for Nintendo first party games will be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, which is a remastered version of the original Ocarina of Time that was launched back in the 1990s for the Nintendo 64.

We've already heard quite a lot of things about the game, which is going to be released next month for the 3DS platform.

Now, Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto shared some insight with The Guardian on why Ocarina of Time was chosen for a 3D remake and what new things it brings to the table, as opposed to the original version.

"We thought the world of Hyrule would be more immersive for the players to experience in 3D and also the horse riding and the thrill of exploring would be heightened," Miyamoto said.

"The touch screen allows users to place items where they want and also to display the map. It uses the 3DS gyro sensor to fire Link's bow and arrow and his slingshot, too. This can be difficult with a controller, but more intuitive moving the 3DS around to aim."

After the batch of screenshots released a few months ago, Nintendo has now showcased the first trailer of the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, including the iconic introduction as well as some of the most important activities players will do, in order to help Link save the princess.

Besides the regular campaign mode, Ocarina of Time 3D is also set to include a Master Quest mode, which features tougher enemies and changed dungeon layouts, a Boss Rush one, where you can fight the game's bosses, and a Super Guide option, to help out less experienced games.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is out for the 3DS on June 17 in the UK, and on June 19, in North America.

Until then, check out the video trailer of it below.