Star says she’s working out really hard to stay in top shape

Mar 26, 2010 19:31 GMT  ·  By
Jennifer Love Hewitt says she works out, eats healthily and can’t stand certain parts of her body
   Jennifer Love Hewitt says she works out, eats healthily and can’t stand certain parts of her body

She’s been so much in the media for her weight and has received so much criticism for it, that it’s only understandable she is now going the extra mile to make sure she stays in top shape. Speaking with Us Magazine, “Ghost Whisperer” star Jennifer Love Hewitt reveals she still has certain body issues and that she’s really giving her best to see that she doesn’t pack the extra pounds again.

Though she was recently saying that part of being beautiful meant learning to accept your every flaw because they too made you what you were, Hewitt seems bent on ridding herself of the very thing that once won her major points with the regular Jane Does out there: her curves. Of course, the star remains dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, which she maintains by sticking to a balanced diet and working out as often as possible, but she also seems convinced that she needs to lose more weight.

“The 5-foot-3 Hewitt, 31, who recently shed an estimated 15-plus pounds, told Us, ‘I try to work out three or four times a week and eat healthy and that’s about it.’ Despite the workout routine, she told Us she can’t ‘get rid of’ her curves, but ‘I’m trying!’” Us Magazine writes. Other US media outlets quote Hewitt as saying, “I don’t love my [backside]. The bottom parts of my legs look like Popeyes (chicken) drumsticks. I feel like in the 1950s, I would have thought I was all that and a bag of chips. But in this day & age, it’s tougher when you have curves.”

Hewitt has recently launched her first book, a guide to relationships and breakups called “The Day I Shot Cupid.” Ironically enough, the actress broke up with her boyfriend Jamie Kennedy right before the launch of the book. In response to this, the former teen idol says that she never pretended to be a know-it-all relationship guru: the only thing she tries to do with her book is help other women learn something from her own experience, without climbing on a pedestal saying her ideas are the best.

“I never said in the book that I knew how to be in the perfect relationship. I say in my book I want to be the readers’ kind spirit out in the dating world. And now, more than ever, I am. I want to be an independent woman who falls in love, finds a great partner for her lifetime, has kids and kind of does it all. I’d like to have it all,” Jennifer Love Hewitt was saying in a recent interview, as we also reported at the time.