Oct 17, 2010 09:01 GMT  ·  By

This week we were pretty busy here at Softpedia, and we not only published two reviews, for Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light and Civilization V, but also a One Hour With Medal of Honor, in order to see if the new shooter is any good and a quick look at Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.

We also have a series of diaries for the Sega Classic Collection, dedicated to all those classic titles, as well as a Weekend Reading and an EndWeekGame article.

On Monday we talked about Halo: Reach and how it will finally get a campaign matchmaking feature on October 19.

We also revealed the new X-Men: Destiny game, which will is part of a partnership between Marvel Comics and Activision.

Tuesday we reported on the new World of Warcraft patch 4.0.1, which sets the stage for the upcoming Cataclysm expansion, which will arrive on December 7.

This was also the day when the news that Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 will receive free DLC, in the form of new information about teams qualified in the UEFA Champions League.

Wednesday we read that Treyarch had always supported the idea of dedicated servers in the PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops.

We also found out that many Japanese gamers don't even know about the existence of the Nintendo 3DS, and those who do believe that the 25,000 Yen asking price is quite high for just a portable device.

Thursday's big news was that Gran Turismo 5 was delayed once more, and that PlayStation 3 owners will still have to wait until they can play with the real racing simulator.

Gamers were extremely pleased, however, with the Valve's announcement that it will develop Dota 2, a sequel to the extremely popular Defense of the Ancients mod for WarCraft III.

Friday saw Microsoft's announcement of the first piece of DLC for Halo: Reach, the Noble Map Pack, which will hit on November 30.

This was also the day when the NPD Group published its hardware and software sales sales charts, albeit in a modified way, without any concrete numbers.

In terms of consoles, the Xbox 360 reigned supreme this month, while Halo: Reach dominated the rest of the video games during the month of September.