Winners of Sea Shepherd's “From Cove to Captivity” Contest Announced

Winners of Sea Shepherd's “From Cove to Captivity” Contest Announced

The two winning videos expose the horrors of dolphin hunts in the town of Taiji, Japan

Watch: A 17-Year-Old's Account of the Taiji Dolphin Slaughter

Watch: A 17-Year-Old's Account of the Taiji Dolphin Slaughter

Odds are this video will make you pause and wonder why dolphin hunts are still carried out

Sea Shepherd Invites People to Enter Video Contest

Sea Shepherd Invites People to Enter Video Contest

Folks have a few more days to enter the “From the Cove to Captivity” video competition

‘Recycling is No Joke’ Contest Makes a Participant 1,000 Dollars Richer

‘Recycling is No Joke’ Contest Makes a Participant 1,000 Dollars Richer

The eco-competition is a creative way of celebrating the America Recycles Day