The two winning videos expose the horrors of dolphin hunts in the town of Taiji, Japan

Mar 19, 2014 20:56 GMT  ·  By

Just yesterday, green group Sea Shepherd finally announced the winners of its “From Cove to Captivity” video contest.

The folks who took part in this contest all pieced together videos exposing the horrors of annual dolphin hunts in the town on Taiji in Japan.

Besides, they made sure that their videos raised awareness about the link between such dolphin hunts and the captive marine mammal industry.

On its website, Sea Shepherd details that the winner of the “From Cove to Captivity” video contest is AnaGirlEmpath, whose video, available above, is called “Inextricably Linked: The Truth About Dolphins in Captivity.”

RenaudK, whose video is available below, was awarded second place, the organization goes on to say.

By the looks of it, AnaGirlEmpath is to receive $500 (€3,591) and a Sea Shepherd prize package. RenaudK will also receive one such package.

Interestingly enough, Sea Shepherd has decided to offer a 17-year-old girl named Megan a so-called Special Recognition award.

Due to some technicalities, Megan's video did not win the contest. Still, it would appear that the organization found it very touching.

“Thank you to all who sent in a video, and to the thousands of voices for the dolphins around the world for all of your support,” Sea Shepherd says.

Furthermore, “Each season is more and more challenging, but we have reached new heights of awareness among the media and public this year that we hope will eventually bring change due to the Cove Guardians and their supporters worldwide.”