Massive Iceberg Breaks Free from the Antarctic Ice Sheet

Massive Iceberg Breaks Free from the Antarctic Ice Sheet

It is part of an ice sheet that is accelerating towards the sea

Killer Tropical Cyclone Hits Somalia, Kills More than 100

Killer Tropical Cyclone Hits Somalia, Kills More than 100

The country is rarely affected by such storms, experts say

Deadly Typhoon Haiyan Approaches Vietnam in New NASA Image

Deadly Typhoon Haiyan Approaches Vietnam in New NASA Image

The storm has already caused massive damages in the Philippines

View: MODIS Image of Typhoon Haiyan over the Philippines

View: MODIS Image of Typhoon Haiyan over the Philippines

The photo shows the massive size of this powerful storm

Extent of Dried Vegetation in the US Revealed [Photo]

Extent of Dried Vegetation in the US Revealed [Photo]

NASA keeps an eye on the current drought situation from orbit

Meet Hurricane Miriam [Photo]

Meet Hurricane Miriam [Photo]

NASA keeps an eye on the large storm from high in orbit

Wildfires Spread Throughout Washington State [Photo]

Wildfires Spread Throughout Washington State [Photo]

NASA keeps an eye on the phenomenon from high in orbit

Massive Ice Island Almost Through the Nares Strait [Photo]

Massive Ice Island Almost Through the Nares Strait [Photo]

The huge, frozen mass came loose from an ice field in Greenland

Typhoon Sanba Moves Over the Korean Peninsula

Typhoon Sanba Moves Over the Korean Peninsula

NASA satellites keep a close eye on the massive storm

Hurricane Michael Seen from Orbit [Photo]

Hurricane Michael Seen from Orbit [Photo]

NASA monitors tropical storm activity in the Atlantic Ocean

NASA Sees Siberian Wildfires from Orbit

NASA Sees Siberian Wildfires from Orbit

Authorities are working hard to keep the flames under control

Massive Iceberg from Greenland Moves Down Fjord

Massive Iceberg from Greenland Moves Down Fjord

The ice island will enter the Atlantic Ocean soon

Massive Phytoplankton Bloom Observed in the Black Sea

Massive Phytoplankton Bloom Observed in the Black Sea

These microorganisms absorb vast amounts of CO2 from the air

Petermann Glacier Displaying Significant Ice Loss

Petermann Glacier Displaying Significant Ice Loss

Satellite surveys keep track of how this important glacier evolves

NASA Sees Fires over Eastern Oregon

NASA Sees Fires over Eastern Oregon

Satellites keep an eye on how the natural disasters evolve

NASA Observes Hurricane Emilia from Orbit

NASA Observes Hurricane Emilia from Orbit

The tropical storm is currently flying over the eastern Pacific

Siberian Taiga Goes Up in Flames [Photo]

Siberian Taiga Goes Up in Flames [Photo]

NASA captures breathtaking view of the widespread fires

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