Softpedia News Calendar

About 19 articles found for 26 December 2015:


Pedophiles, Beware: US Police Starts Training Hard-Drive Sniffing Dogs

US police brings in specially trained dogs to find hard drives hidden around suspects' homes, pedophiles targeted
by Catalin Cimpanu, December 26th, 2015
Nintendo: NX and New Use of Intellectual Property Will Define 2016

Nintendo: NX and New Use of Intellectual Property Will Define 2016

by Andrei Dumitrescu, December 26th, 2015
Company working on new mobile ideas and theme parks

China Invokes UN Decree for Its Right to Censor the Internet

Chinese President Xi Jinping finds a legal loophole to explain his country's harsh Internet censorship
by Catalin Cimpanu, December 26th, 2015

Adware Sneakily Turns Off Firefox Safe Browsing

Mintcast adware uses user.js settings files for persistence
by Catalin Cimpanu, December 26th, 2015
Windows 10 Users Still Crying for OS Update Information

Windows 10 Users Still Crying for OS Update Information

by Bogdan Popa, December 26th, 2015
New Feedback suggestion gets hundreds of votes
Microsoft Hints at Surface Phone: Windows Phone Needs a Surface “Spiritual Equivalent”

Microsoft Hints at Surface Phone: Windows Phone Needs a Surface “Spiritual Equivalent”

by Bogdan Popa, December 26th, 2015
Redmond to improve mobile device lineup with premium model