Company working on new mobile ideas and theme parks

Dec 26, 2015 15:42 GMT  ·  By

2015 has not been the greatest year for Nintendo, but the company's new president Tatsumi Kimishima is determined to make sure that next year goes better, using his Christmas message in order to lay out some of the ways the new NX platform and wider use of intellectual property will allow his organization to prosper.

Gamers can read the letter on the official site, and while he does not offer any details or specific dates, the executive does suggest that there is some big news coming in 2016.

Nintendo is aiming to provide its biggest intellectual properties to companies that are not directly associated with the traditional video games space, and it plans to continue this effort, although the partners that will be involved are not named.

Efforts to deliver smartphone titles will continue in 2016, and synergy with more traditional releases is also a concern, with the new MyNintendo system designed to bridge the gap between veterans and newcomers.

Tatsumi Kimishima also talks about the new NX platform, saying that it will deliver a brand new concept and that it will allow the company to offer “unique software-led hardware-software integrated business will continue to constitute the core business for Nintendo.”

Nintendo is also planning to offer more initiatives linked to the Amiibo line of figurines, and the message also mentions the potential of theme parks that will feature the most interesting characters the company has promoted over the years.

All these future plans aim to make Nintendo more of a global presence and ensure that the company generates more revenue and becomes profitable again in the long term.

The NX has not yet been officially revealed

Despite the fact that Nintendo is talking about the way its coming gaming platform will boost its business, it has not yet discussed the included hardware or the kind of unique features that it will offer.

Rumors are currently saying that a test run for the NX is set for the early spring in factories and that full production will start later in the season, with the official launch taking place during the summer.

This timetable is very ambitious and pretty much forces the executives to plan an official reveal for February of March of next year.

Nintendo apparently wants to deliver around 12 million of them to gamers all over the world before the end of 2016 and will also launch high-profile titles for it, including a new Mario and a Zelda title.

The company is also working with third-party developers to create smaller and more unique titles that use the hardware of the platform.

Nintendo also plans to continue to offer support and new video games for the 3DS and the Wii U.

The NX is expected to compete directly with the PlayStation 4 from Sony and the Xbox One from Microsoft, which have been generating solid sales since they were first introduced in 2014.

The hardware division of the Japanese company needs to deliver a unique set of features in order to make the coming platform attractive to both players and developers.