Microsoft says this is offered to version 1909 and earlier

Jun 17, 2020 04:47 GMT  ·  By

A few days ago, some discovered the hard way that one of the features they used is no longer available in Windows 10 May 2020 Update, or version 2004, for a reason that was pretty impossible to figure out.

Fresh Start, which allows users to reinstall the OS and start from scratch without losing their files, is a feature that has until now been offered via Windows Security.

And while after installing Windows 10 version 2004 the feature is still there, not the same thing can be said about the “Get Started” button that for some reason is missing in action. Many believed Microsoft actually broke down the whole thing, but according to the company this is exactly how things are supposed to be.

And it’s all because Fresh Start is only available on Windows 10 version 1909 and earlier, as in Windows 10 version 2004 this feature has been moved to the Reset this PC Settings page where it obviously makes more sense.

New home for Fresh Start

Certainly, this change isn’t surprising because putting Fresh Start in the Settings app is something that the company should have done from the very beginning, but the odd thing is that Microsoft didn’t announce the whole thing before shipping Windows 10 version 2004. Plus, Fresh Start is still there in Windows Security but without the Get Started button and without any indication that the feature has been moved to Settings.

Microsoft never rolled out an official announcement on this change, but instead it silently updated a support document detailing Fresh Start on June 16 to explain how users can start from scratch in Windows 10 version 2004.

“Fresh start is available for Windows 10 versions prior to 2004. For version 2004 and after, Fresh start functionality has been moved to Reset this PC. To reset your PC, go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Reset this PC > Get Started. Then select Keep my files, choose cloud or local, change your settings, and set Restore preinstalled apps? to No,” Microsoft says in a new note spotted by TechDows.

So there you go, Fresh Start no longer available in Windows 10 version is a feature, not a bug and you can still use it if you know where to look.