Double standards now exist

Jan 7, 2009 22:31 GMT  ·  By

David Cage is a well known game developer, mostly because of the work he has done on Fahrenheit, also known as Indigo Prophecy, who has never sought to limit the mature content that he included in his work. After all, if videogames are set to become the eighth art and be recognized as such, they cannot continue to only tackle violence in the limited way of Gears of War 2 or any other shooter or feelings in the same way as Super Mario Galaxy.

Cage, who is the boss of development studio Quantic Dream, stated for the Official PlayStation Magazine that “I don't think we do anything worse that what you see on TV at 8 o'clock at home,” referring to the content in videogames and to the way other media channels get a free pass where gaming products are criticized.

He then added that “I don't think being interactive gives you fantastic power to change the minds of people and make them do things they'd never think of doing otherwise. We are like movies or books. I just try to create an experience that is entrancing and definitely not for kids.”

Quantic Media is now working on Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer, which is set to be launched sometime in 2009, although the exact date is not known for the moment. The game will have a complex and deep plot focused on a series of murders and on their investigation and we will probably see the return of multiple points of view, as David Cage also created in Fahrenheit.

Until now, the development studio has only offered those interested in the game a quick look at a technology demonstration, which sees a female journalist stumbling about as she is trying to hide in the house of a murderer who has the strange habit of stuffing female corpses that are then scattered inside his home.