Sony and Quantic are preparing to revolutionize a genre

Aug 21, 2008 08:21 GMT  ·  By

Indeed the PlayStation 3 doesn't have as many exclusives as Xbox 360 does, but we all know that it's quality that matters, when it comes to video games, not quantity. And Sony does have quality in its games, one of the latest exclusives for its console being Heavy Rain, an adventure title developed by Quantic Dream, the company that already revolutionized the genre with Fahrenheit (known as Indigo Prophecy in North America). And if you played this game, you must know for sure that Quantic is indeed a company that is able to keep you glued to the screen.

Heavy Rain is presented as a dark, immersive and emotionally engaging experience that builds upon and improves the ideas of Quantic's first game. The most interesting thing for gamers is the fact that they will play the game and shape the story according to their actions - there will be no cutscenes involved, because each and every action changes the course of the game. We all know that Fahrenheit brought a somewhat similar concept, but still the options were limited. Hopefully this time Quantic does it flawlessly.

Basically, the developers promise that we won't watch a story unfold, but play it. The choices we'll make and the way we'll interact with other characters will have repercussions throughout the entire game. Quantic is also focusing on bringing us some true emotional experiences and it will come with subjects and themes rarely seen in video games - which will make Heavy Rain a mature game for adult players.

So I must admit that I am really looking forward to getting my hands on this game, since I know it's going to be huge. However, I'll have to wait quite a while, since it won't come anytime sooner than late 2009. But since Heavy Rain promises to be an adventure game unlike any other, where mind, emotion and human nature will matter more than scores, combos or personal stats, I can say that it's going to be brilliant. Really, it's going to be very big - probably the revolutionary concept gamers were waiting for for quite a while now.