Get the patch now

Aug 6, 2008 20:06 GMT  ·  By

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is widely credited with reviving the adventure genre on the PlayStation 3 and even on the consoles as a whole. The game managed to blend adventuring and puzzles with action in an almost perfect way and players were attracted to it. This justifies the fact that a new patch implements Trophies in the game.

Destined for the North American and European market, this patch adds no less than 47 bronze, silver, and gold trophies to the game. It seems that Uncharted also offers, like BioShock, a Platinum Trophy to all the players that are persistent enough to explore the game and to collect all the other 47 Trophies which are included in Uncharted.

When it was originally released, not so long ago, the developers opted to implement something called medals, a sort of precursor to the Trophy system. This means that for the players who have already gone through the game, it will be easier to collect Trophies. Unfortunately, because of the fact that you cannot get them retroactively, players will have to restart their game and play it in order to get their Trophies and show them off to their friends.

Arne Meyer, who is the marketing manager at Naughty Dog, said that "This was done so that everyone receives their Trophies fairly and can't take advantage of the game saves we've seen floating around. That means you will have to start a brand new game--without any medals or rewards unlocked and play through Uncharted to get trophies". This might just reduce the appeal of the game, because it is often tedious to go back and retrace your steps through an adventure title.

Get the patch as soon as possible and begin exploring the game for all the interesting Trophies you can later boast.