Instant text messaging, Google search and trophy comparison included in the new options

Jul 1, 2008 09:25 GMT  ·  By

After releasing version 2.36 firmware for the PlayStation Network only two weeks ago, rumor says that Sony is on its way to bring it up to 2.4. The new expected firmware should bring to gamers the tools and features they have been demanding for lately. All the new features the firmware update which will be brought to users are showed in the video bellow.

Here's what the video shows us. First, the Cross-Media Bar can finally be accessed in the game even though it runs in the background, making some features of the XMB inaccessible. One of the major achievements of the new software is the robust trophy system which can be patched into existing games. We hope that all those uncharted trinkets won't be wasted.

The new firmware also allows access and comparison of trophies for multiple users through the new player profile card. All games with trophies are listed under this feature and available for check, both for the current user and for those in the friend list. If you have buddies on the game, now you are also able to send and receive text messages from them at any given moment. Still, vice messaging hasn't been enabled yet.

There are few other in-game features that have been added, including the options of bluetooth device management. Developers have been provided with the option of in-game soundtracks. Also, the new firmware enables the patching of existing games to provide support for these soundtracks. Of course, not all XMB options can be accessed during game play, but the new improvements allow us to hope for the best to be included in the future versions of the firmware.

The menu has been enriched with a new item, "Internet Search," which lets users connect to Google and operate searches directly from their XMB. Finally, users can enjoy the presence of a clock, which also displays the date.

All these new features, as well as some other details, are included in the video walkthrough bellow.