Nintendo's console is following on PS3's footsteps, sitting on store shelves

Feb 20, 2007 10:21 GMT  ·  By

Why do you reckon Nintendo's Wii is following onPS3's footsteps? It's not the price that's for sure, because it's practically the cheapest out there with a good overall performance and gameplay features so, that's not it for sure. Games on the other hand, can be the reason why Nintendo's machine is suddenly not selling so good comparing to how it did at launch. Of course every console experiences a certain drop in sales a few months after launch but not as sudden as Wii is experiencing at the moment.

Not only the Wii's titles are childish and cannot appeal any gamer of any age, but the list has also gotten very thin in the past two months and no good games are to be coming soon either. Take Metroid Prime 3 for instance. It should have launched in late 2006, then Retro Studios said it will be released in early 2007 and their last statement said that the game is still in the works. Metroid fans aren't going to see it until Christmas 2007 for sure, if not early 2008 even.

Also, some the games that are currently available for the console are practically unplayable as CVG reckons. They say that titles like Need For Speed: Most Wanted, Far Cry and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance "got it all wrong." So there you have it, the Wii exciting launch couldn't have turned out worse, but rest assured, it's likely to make a huge comeback along with new titles, just like the PS3 is if anyone still has e little faith.

Isn't it strange though? It had the best launch, kids love it, parents dig it too (if you can believe that), DJs even make music with its nifty motion-sensitive controller and players can even lose weight using it, so why the sudden drop? I, mean it's not like years have passed and no good titles were released for it...