In late May

Apr 29, 2009 08:23 GMT  ·  By

The people over at Bethesda Softworks are very nice. Sure, some have less than kind words for them for not bringing the downloadable content for Fallout 3 to the PlayStation 3, but they seem to be genuinely interested in making sure that on the Xbox 360 and on the PC, all the gamers can get their hands on the DLC.

If you live in a region where your Internet connection does not allow you to download large files, you can now look forward to getting Operation: Anchorage and The Pitt on a disk.

There's a listing for a boxed version now available on Amazon, which is saying that the DLC disk is set to arrive in North America on May 26, while the United Kingdom is set to get the same package on May 29.

It seems that the retail price will be 19.99 dollars, which is quite accurate given the fact that, for downloading through Games for Windows Live or through the Xbox Live Marketplace, you need to pay the Microsoft Points equivalent of 10 dollars for each of the two packs. Judging by the cover that Amazon has listed, those who get the disk should also receive a free Vault Boy poster, which is a nice bonus for those who have waited for that to happen.

The only big question related to the announcement is why only the two DLC packs are offered. After all, Bethesda is said to release Broken Steel on May 5, completing its DLC line up for Fallout 3.

Broken Steel is the most ambitions of the packs, raising the level cap from 20 to 30 and allowing the player to see how the world has changed after the finale of the original storyline while continuing the fight against the Enclave alongside the Brotherhood of Steel. This piece of DLC could have easily been included on the disk, giving Fallout 3 fans all they needed to enjoy the game all over again.