That's right, they're saying it's going to have a 2-player function also

Mar 16, 2007 11:33 GMT  ·  By

Wii software website for Super Mario Galaxy has hinted that Nintendo's latest installment in the series presented at the GDC this year may have an added feature before it launches. Now that the game is nearing completion, the video Miyamoto presented at the GDC looked wonderfully but that was all. After the GDC, Cubed3 noticed a very important detail on the website for Super Mario Galaxy and shared with the world.

Apparently, the game will include a two-player mode. Nothing else is said. As it always goes, Nintendo's silence is killing Luigi fans, and SNES Mario Bros. fans as well. I can just see them anxiously rubbing their hands, not knowing whether it will be the same Luigi-takes-over where Mario failed kind of 2-player mode, or whether it will be much better than that, like cooperative play.

Of course, chances are this could involve a mere mini-game that won't actually make a two-player gameplay that gamers hope for. Cubed3's announcement sounds pretty much like a serious deal, although Nintendo isn't saying anything officially: "An interesting change for Super Mario Galaxy has been spotted on the official Wii Software website, noting that the porky plumber's upcoming adventure could allow for 2 players to take part. Could Mario be joined by Luigi in a bid to save Peach once more?"

Something like this will have fans saying: "Well, come on...! Give us more, what exactly did you see over there? Thing is, they can't say more because there's nothing more to be said. Nintendo doesn't actually say "there will be a two player mode." Between the TBD sign and the Publisher sign, it says: "Players: 1-2." That's all you get. Until Nintendo makes it official, your guess is as good as mine to whether the 2-player mode in Super Mario Galaxy is what fans are dying after for ages.