First impressions range from feeling intrigued by it to psyching out

Dec 10, 2012 09:56 GMT  ·  By

With just days ahead of the official premiere of the 9-minute prologue to “Star Trek Into Darkness” in theaters ahead of “The Hobbit,” a special screening took place for members of the press. It blew them away – well, most of them, either way.

A non-spoiler reaction to the prologue is embedded in the video above: Alex Billington of First Showing and Germain Lussier of Slash Film say they liked what they saw but weren’t entirely psyched by the whole thing or, at least, not like they were when Chris Nolan premiered the first minutes of “The Dark Knight Rises.”

Jen Yamato of Movieline loved every second of it: she describes the prologue in complete detail and then proceeds to speculate on the direction the film might take based on what she saw, and the trailer released online just a short while ago.

CinemaBlend also goes overboard with the details, but refuses to say whether this will be epic or more of a disappointment for fans.

I will mention none of the details here, just in case you don’t want to be spoiled when the film comes out but, if you want to know what the prologue includes, frame by frame, just follow the links above.

Either way, a conclusion would be: J.J. Abrams is paying tribute to the original Star Trek series and, at the same time, toying with the fans by giving them plenty to talk about.

Also, don’t expect to find out the identity of Benedict Cumberbatch’s villain with this preview. 3D is brilliant, the music is top-notch and the special effects will be memorable.