The game will hopefully be a worthy depiction of the original

Oct 23, 2009 09:29 GMT  ·  By

Shadow of Destiny first saw the light of day in March 2001 on the PlayStation 2, but, after almost nine years of peaceful slumber, it seems like Konami plans to unearth the game and once again tell its tale. It has just announced that it is currently working on porting the adventure title to the PlayStation Portable. The game received a port for the PC in 2002, but this version didn't do nearly as well as the original one. Reviews for the PlayStation 2 applauded it and gave it high marks all around.

The PSP-port idea wasn't really well received, but Konami plans to go ahead and do it anyway. Shadow of Destiny for the PSP will follow the same story as the original game, Eike Kusch's attempt to solve his own murder, in what would sound like the ultimate act of revenge. Players will pick up Kusch's adventure as he travels through time in order to discover the identity of his assailant, the man that literally stabbed him in the back as he was leaving a dinner.

The 22-year-old will travel to four distinct periods in order to understand the truth and his destiny. Besides the present time-line in which the game takes place, 2001, Kusch will travel to 1980, 1902 and 1580 and meet several people that are somehow connected to his life. The game's story proved to be very well written and drew players into its universe with great ease. The game offered a large number of possible endings, as the actions players took in past times greatly influenced the present. As the possible and impossible overlap, it's up to the gamer to identify the truth.

The PSP promises the same enticing gameplay and the feeling that you're actually influencing the game world and not just following the yellow-brick road the developers put you on. The game will probably share the PS2's rating of Teen and is scheduled for release sometime in 2010, but an exact date, or even a precise quarter, haven't been mentioned yet.