The 1.05 update brings a lot of changes to the game's multiplayer mode

Feb 16, 2010 07:50 GMT  ·  By

In the wake of its upcoming, new DLC, Naughty Dog gave Uncharted 2 a really big update, with the 1.05 patch bringing a lot of tweaks and changes to the game's multiplayer. The biggest one would be a new way of punishing in-match quitters, with funds being deducted from their account every time they leave a multiplayer session before it comes to a winners-losers conclusion. The higher the player level is, the bigger the cash penalty will be, and while there will be a lot of unfair punishments, with power outages or connection issues, the majority of the victims will still be made up of rage-quitters.

Other changes include the removal of repeat offenders, guilty of idling, collision and geometry fixes, and a weapon-damage tweak that wasn't detailed, since the developers “want the player community to figure things out on their own for the sake of fairness to the total player base.” An unlucky number of medals, 13, has also been added to the title, along with a crawl ticker display for leaderboard statistics in the multiplayer's menu screen. The complete list of updates is posted below, along with the detailed medals.

1.05 Update Details:

Weapon damage and attributes have been rebalanced; On-screen display of medals awarded during a match has been updated; Implemented detection and removal of flagrantly idle players from the active matchmaking player pool. Cash penalty for leaving matches has been adjusted and is now tiered by player level as follows: Levels 1 – 20 = -10,000; Levels 21 – 40 = -20,000; Levels 41 – 60 = -40,000.

Updated player networking protocols to remove all occurrences of “error syncing player data,” Level resets and Ranked playlist Skill Level resets; Added crawling ticker display of leaderboard statistics to the multiplayer menu screen; Updated multiplayer menu screen to include a “Trophy” selection to enable players to display and track progress on the new Trophies included in the Drake’s Fortune Multiplayer Pack; Collision and geometry updates to various multiplayer maps.

13 new medals have been added:

Defender - Kill a player that is actively shooting one of your teammates; Finish Him! - Get the last kill of the game; First! - Get the first kill of the game; Fly on the Wall - Kill a player who is climbing; No Cigar - Kill the treasure carrier while they are about to score the treasure; None Shall Pass - Get 5 Kills while in the hill during a King of the Hill game; Protectorate - Shoot and kill 5 enemies that were damaging the treasure carrier; Put’em Down - Kill someone in the knockdown state with a pistol weapon; Retaliation - Kill the last player that killed you; That Was Embarrassing - Earn a shutout in plunder; Tip Off - Be the first player to grab the treasure in a plunder match; Tricky - Kill a player with a pistol weapon while hanging.