More classic games coming to next-gen consoles

Nov 22, 2006 09:16 GMT  ·  By

If you want to go way, way back into the past I guess you could play Bomberman 93 or Bonk's Adventure on your Wii. If you have one, of course. Other than a Wii, you will have to have some US$ 5 to pay for each game.

You can download these games via the Wii Shop; here are the first TurboGRafx-16 titles to arrive on Nintendo's next-gen. Some of you might be delighted with this release, but keep in mind that the Nintendo Wii is a next-gen, and next-generation games should be available on it. Are Bomberman 93 and Bonk's Adventure next-gen games? Other similar titles will come out in the next few weeks, including Super Star Soldier, Victory Run and Dungeon Explorer.

I enjoyed playing Bomberman as a kid, but enough is enough, why spend a few hundred dollars on a next-gen console in order to use it for playing antique games? The first Bomberman dates back in 1983; that's 23 years ago, when most of you weren't even born.

I have to admit that I haven't played Bonk's Adventure, but I know that it was released back in 1990. It was later ported on PlayStation 2 and GameCube, but this release was only available in Japan.