More than 3 million Brutes were killed, rewards coming tomorrow

Mar 20, 2012 09:15 GMT  ·  By

The multiplayer-based Operation Goliath that developer BioWare ran for Mass Effect 3 during the weekend has been declared a success by the team which organized it, with more than 3 million Brute creatures taken down by the community.

The initial goal for Mass Effect 3 players was to kill one million Brutes, the shock troops of the Reapers which are based on both Krogan and Turian DNA.

BioWare claims that it was surprised by the commitment of the gamer community and by how quickly the initial objective was completed.

The entire multiplayer community will get a Commendation pack in the store for their efforts.

BioWare also announced that thousands of players (which seems like a low number given the overall success of the Goliath operation) have managed to successfully complete a multiplayer map against the Reapers on Silver difficulty and extract with their team.

They will also get access to a special Victory pack in the store, with a special weapon that cannot be obtained through other means.

To commemorate the occasion of the successful completion of Goliath BioWare also released a message from Admiral Hackett, who leads the Alliance war effort in the single-player section of Mass Effect 3.

Part of it reads: “I am confident that word of this operation will get out and that it will give people hope. The stories I am hearing continue to amaze me. They are stories of soldiers braving fire to pull a fallen comrade to safety; they are stories of biotics charging enemies ten times their weight to buy their friends a critical second; they are stories of engineers with their fingers shot off, hacking mainframes with the stumps because their teammates needed them.

“Thousands of strike teams ran successful sorties against particularly deadly Reaper occupations – those squads will be recognized with a special commendation.”

BioWare says that it plans to announce details for other multiplayer operations soon.