Until then, the sequel is almost finished

May 22, 2009 16:11 GMT  ·  By

The Nintendo Wii has won over a lot of people all around the world. Seeing this new, more novice market, a lot of companies were attracted to it and started producing more casual titles in order to satisfy their demands, but this made more hardcore gamers complain that the Wii didn't have any interesting games for them.

This changed when No More Heroes appeared, bearing the seal of approval from Killer 7 creator Goichi Suda, or Suda51 as he is referred to in the gamer community. Featuring a unique type of gameplay and using the console motion sensitive controls, it was sure to deliver a great experience.

But even though the game performed quiet well on the Wii, players were left to wonder just how great it would be if it appeared on more powerful platforms, like the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. Goichi Suda recently talked about this subject with 1Up, and revealed that the future of the franchise might not be Wii-exclusive and that it would be great for it to end up on other platforms as well.

“Actually, a lot of the fans were dying to play the game on other consoles, so I think it'd be great if I could do it, but there's no plan yet,” Suda said. “If so, I would match the content to fit the other consoles. No More Heroes could be a big title, like a big IP, so it'd be good to have a chance to release the game on other consoles, and that would maybe maximize the market.”

The designer also revealed that the sequel to the game, No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle, was nearing completion, being at the “ very end of production.” Sadly though, it won't be playable at E3 this year, as the developers want to further polish it up.

What do you think? Would No More Heroes be much better on more powerful consoles or is the Wii the perfect place for the franchise? Leave us a comment with your choice.