Also for targeting

Nov 4, 2009 21:41 GMT  ·  By

Zelda is one of the biggest franchises Nintendo has under its belt and it makes sense for it to use the best technology the company has to offer. So, a lot of people already believed that the next Zelda videogame for the Nintendo Wii would make use of the Motion Plus add-on for the Wiimote to offer a better gameplay experience.

But only now has Nintendo actually talked about how the Motion Plus will be used and how it will change the experience.

Shigeru Miyamoto, who is the lead producer on the Zelda series, stated at a Question & Answer session in Tokyo that “In this, we're using MotionPlus to make you feel much more like you're actually fighting while holding a sword in your hand,” adding that “In the previous game, you aimed at things by pointing at the screen, but this time we'll use MotionPlus to create a much more convenient targeting system and a more pleasurable playing experience.”

What Nintendo has not yet made clear is whether the upcoming Zelda videogame for the Wii will actually require Motion Plus in order to be played. Ever since the add-on was introduced, a lot of titles have used it to enhance gameplay but none made it mandatory in order not to split the player base of the Nintendo home console.

Given the popularity of the Zelda series and the must buy status of the upcoming title, it might just be that Nintendo is interested in using it to nudge players into getting Motion Plus. After all, targeting and sword fighting are two of the most important aspects of the game and if they use the new hardware, players will be more tempted to employ it. Nintendo might even bundle Motion Plus with the new Zelda in order to make it more attractive to gamers.