Aug 23, 2011 07:18 GMT  ·  By

Owners a Nexus S 4G smartphone on the airwaves of Sprint in the United States have now the possibility to download and install a new version of Swype on their devices, and it seems that it should not be too long before other Android users have access to the new application flavor as well.

Apparently, that flavor of Swype specifically tailored for Sprint's Nexus S 4G devices will be released on other Android-based devices out there as soon as this week, at least this is what some of the latest reports on the matter suggest.

For those out of the loop, we should note that last week Sprint and Swype announced a partnership through which Nexus S 4G users received access to a unique version of the virtual keyboard, specifically tailored for their phones.

At the time, the two companies announced that only for a short period of time the application will be available exclusively on Sprint handsets, but did not offer specific info regarding the availability on other phones as well.

Apparently, the exclusivity period was of only one week, and other users out there should receive access to the new Swype flavor in a matter of days.

However, we should note that the application will arrive on these devices without the Sprint branding that accompanied it when it was released on Nexus S 4G handsets.

The app was available as an unofficial download soon after Swype and Sprint made it available, but it seems that the official release is near, and those who do not own a Nexus S smartphone but would like to install the app on their devices should consider waiting a few days more.

The new Swype release came to Sprint's users with features like a custom skin, Tap Correction, Horizontal Word Choice List, personal dictionary management, and shortcut gestures. All these will soon be generally available, Swype announced.