No idea what though

Aug 12, 2009 19:01 GMT  ·  By

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will most certainly be one of this year's biggest video games to appear on the market. It drove away plenty of other games into 2010, as they feared that everyone would just focus on Activision's shooter, meaning that the big company has a free hand in regard to more marketing for the upcoming game.

That is why a few weeks ago we learned about the creation of a special Modern Warfare 2 controller, as unveiled by the Twitter account of Infinity Ward's community manager and director of communications, Robert Bowling.

Now, the deal between Activision and gaming peripheral manufacturer Mad Catz has been confirmed by the two parties. The partnership is seemingly centered on the company creating specially branded controllers and accessories for Modern Warfare 2, in order to further enhance the experience and empty the wallets of gamers around the world.

“We are excited to partner with Activision and Infinity Ward to create branded controllers and accessories based on what is one of the videogame industry's preeminent franchises,” said Darren Richardson, president and chief executive officer of Mad Catz. “We look forward to offering unique and exciting accessories to fans of the newest release in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series, as we continue to grow and diversify what we believe to be the industry's leading portfolio of branded videogame accessories.”

With Infinity Ward already throwing in a pair of night vision goggles for every Prestige edition, it will certainly be interesting to see just what Mad Catz will bring to the table except for a new controller for the game. We'll just have to wait until the game gets closer to its release date of November 10.