Apr 15, 2011 06:44 GMT  ·  By
Mickey Rourke changes his mind about Megan Fox: she’s not really a good actress
   Mickey Rourke changes his mind about Megan Fox: she’s not really a good actress

When Oscar-nominated actor Mickey Rourke started working with ex-“Transformers” star Megan Fox on “Passion Play,” he called her one of the best actresses ever. He’s had a change of heart: Megan is not really that much of an actress.

Mickey is not the one to mince his words, so this should probably come as no surprise from him. Yet it still shocks, because he’s dissing on Fox and the movie when it’s not even out in a handful of theaters, which is the only theatrical release it’ll get.

Vulture caught up with Rourke at the premiere party for “Scream 4,” a movie of which he says he knows nothing about because he only came to the party to speak with Harvey Weinstein.

Rourke is so set to do his thing and leave he doesn’t even speak with 50 Cent, who’s hosting the party and with whom Rourke recently did a movie.

“A really bad movie, yeah. It’s so bad it can’t get out. Terrible,” Rourke says, adding bluntly that he did it “for the money” and that “you have to watch it” to get a fair idea of just how terrible it is.

After this, the topic of Rourke and Fox’s film “Passion Play” comes up, a film of which earlier reports said it was so bad it would go straight to DVD but which eventually scored a limited theatrical release.

“What about your movie with Megan Fox and Bill Murray?” the Vulture reporter asks, perhaps hoping to hear that, no, it’s not true, the critics are wrong and the movie is actually good.

“Terrible. Another terrible movie. But, you know, in your career and all the movies you make, you’re going to make dozens of terrible ones,” Rourke swiftly replies.

As for calling Megan Fox “one of the best actresses of all time,” the actor has this to say: “That I worked with [smirk].”

Also, “Passion Play” is getting a very limited release “it’s not very good.”

As noted above, in an older interview, Rourke came to Fox’s defense saying she was actually an excellent actress, but one that simply hadn’t yet the chance to prove her worth because she’d mostly done action flicks.