One groovy comics fantasy

Oct 3, 2007 07:52 GMT  ·  By

We've got it! That's why Duke Nukem Forever takes forever to be released! The title's main character was out playing Master Chief till now, so he didn't have enough time to be cast in the Duke's latest adventure. Joke aside, this crazy (but somewhat plausible) idea can be found by checking out Raven Perez's comics. It's a combination between Marvel comics and anime, but hey I'm not an art critic, so don't rely on my opinion and see for yourselves.

There are still gamers out there who still hope that they'll get to play Duke Nukem Forever... in this lifetime. If S.T.A.L.K.E.R managed to reach the game shops, why shouldn't the Duke make a triumphant return? How many generations of consoles have been launched since "Forever" was promised by the producers? How many PC hardware components have stopped being produced since Duke announced its return? Tons!

Wait, I have an idea! Let's launch Duke Nukem Forever on the first PlayStation console and on the Sega Dreamcast, to resurrect those consoles from their digital graves. While this may seem like a crazy man's idea, Sega is really ready for a comeback in 2008, just for the sake of good old times, as they're prepping a couple of new games (or maybe revamps of the older ones). If Master Chief was really Duke Nukem, he must have one hell of a self control, since he abstained from picking up all the chicks he encountered and from drinking beers, between or during battles.

This funny concept is revealed in the comic through the words of anime babe, who claims that she's finished Halo 3 and found out Master Chief's identity at the ending. Bungie has already paid a Ninja Gaiden tribute, by including content from the game, so there's no point in paying a tribute to a series that's considered deceased by many.