The actual character attributes have been reduced to four

Jan 20, 2012 07:56 GMT  ·  By

Diablo III is getting a number of significant changes to the game mechanics, including core elements like skills and crafting, which might mean that the game, thought to be launched during March, might now be pushed back to late in 2012.

Jay Wilson, who is the director leading the development process for Diablo III, posted on the official site saying, “We want Diablo III to be the best game it can be when it launches. To get there, we're going to be iterating on designs we've had in place for a long time, making changes to systems you've spent a lot of time theorycrafting, and removing features you may have come to associate with the core of the experience.

“Our hope is that by embracing our iterative design process in which we question ourselves and our decisions, Diablo III won't just live up to our expectations, but will continue to do so a decade after it's released.”

The developer then goes on to say that core attributes, the inventory system, crafting, runes, skills and items will also see major changes.

The biggest of them are linked to the core characters attributes, which now consist only of Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Intellect with Defense, Attack and Precision out of the game.

This will streamline the game systems and will make each player choice linked to skills and character development feel more important.

Apparently players will now be able to quickly identify any items via the inventory, with no need for scrolls, which streamlines the game and makes the protagonist seem more”badass.”

Gamers will also now have a dedicated quick slot button for potions, making them aware of the need to use them during some gameplay situations.

The Mystic is also no longer a part of the customization system in Diablo III, although the team is interested in revisiting it at a later time.

The Cauldron of Jordan and Nephalem Cube are also out of the game, mainly because the new Stone of Recall, renamed simply to Town Portal, allows gamers to get back to town quickly and destroy or sell items in their inventory.

Simple items cannot be salvaged and are basically useless to the player after the very early game.

Diablo III is still in closed beta and all those taking part will be able to see the changes in the coming patch and can offer feedback on them to the developers at Blizzard.