Dec 9, 2010 14:56 GMT  ·  By

The international poster for the upcoming “Cowboys & Aliens” movie is out and, though not exactly revealing anything new, it’s already getting fans online all hyped up about it because it’s cool, fancy and very dark.

The film, which tells the story of a stranger (Daniel Craig) who wakes up in the desert one day with no recollection of himself and a very strange bracelet thingy / shackle on his arm, isn’t out until August 2012, but hype is slowly starting to build up.

Unlike the first poster for it that showed the leading man with his back to the camera, the international poster shows him facing it – but one still can’t see his face because it’s obscured.

The only thing visible is the alien piece of technology on his arm and, believe it or not, voices online are saying it’s the very lack of imagery that’s getting them even more interested in the pic, as Empire Online also underlines.

“It looks like director Jon Favreau’s had AC/DC’s Back In Black playing on a loop again, because the new international poster for Cowboys And Aliens is heavy on the dark stuff,” Empire writes.

Luckily, that’s a recipe that’s already been tried out in teaser posters by blockbusters like “Transformers” and even “Terminator.”

“Happily for all those of us who are getting more and more excited about it, it’s also bloomin’ cool and gives us a taste of what we’re in for: old-fashioned gunslingers, and alien technology. Win!” Empire enthuses.

Though one can hardly make out anything from the new poster, aside from the shackle, it’s not really rocket science to tell that the man on it is Daniel Craig.

“This character is, of course, Daniel Craig's Jake Lonergan again, who we’ve already seen on the teaser poster and in that rather good teaser trailer last month. He wakes up with no memory of where he is, and a strange bracelet on his arm – something that comes in useful when, well, aliens attack,” Empire notes.

As we also informed you a short while ago, the first teaser trailer for “Cowboys & Aliens” was also released and, of course, it too did not fail to get fans excited.

The film also stars Olivia Wilde, Harrison Ford, Noah Ringer and Sam Rockwell, and, as noted above, is out in theaters on August 12, 2011.