After calling the Wii names, Maxis game developer Chris Hecker rephrases his statement

Mar 9, 2007 14:45 GMT  ·  By

Oh, that Game Developers Conference-people from the world of games saying what's on their mind, giving advices, shooting their mouths off, criticizing, showing off, making radical statements and so on. Still, up until this year's GDC, everyone was peaceful about it, but not this year. Chris Hecker, game developer at Maxis went a little too far calling Nintendo's Wii "a piece of..."well you know, poop. But Hecker realized that his statement wasn't exactly right (nor was he when he said it, for that matter) and he decided to apologize.

So, after using the S word at least three times referring to the poor Wii, saying that art has nothing to do with Nintendo's games and that they need to make a better console 'cause this one is, well poopy, the developer reformulated his statement into a milder one. He also said that he wasn't talking in the name of Maxis or Electronic Arts:

"When I'm on stage, I'm me. I'm talking talk from me. From me. I'm not representing EA or Maxis. I want to make two things perfectly clear. I do not think the Wii is a piece of s**t. Nintendo needs to be applauded for trying to interface on the controller front, the user interface front, on making games accessible, on making a console that you don't need to mortgage your house to afford. Secondly, it's totally obvious - and I'm sorry that I implied otherwise - that everyone at Nintendo is passionate at making great games. Some of the games give me hope that we will be seen as an art form on par with movies and books."

All right then, all that being said, everyone can go home, or at least that's what Hecker was probably thinking when he formulated his apology statement. Thing is, words like those can't be erased just like that, but it's better than nothing that Maxis' developer apologized. It was addressed to the fans you know...