Building your very own city that fits into your pocket. You'd have never guessed that it's rated AO.

Mar 1, 2007 10:27 GMT  ·  By

In the last Sim City for the DS, Urbz: Sims In The City characters had a completely new look, attitude and outlook on life. Roaming through the rough-and-tumble city streets, Urbz are all about their friends, their pets and building their reputation. This title benefited from the unique Nintendo DS touch-screen capabilities and a multitude of in-game features. The new installment from Maxis, SimCity DS isn't a Japan exclusive anymore. It's going to be available worldwide by June having players blowing on the DS's microphone, which is an added feature to all that makes Sim City a fully 3D simulation of life.

Until recently, everyone thought that Sim City DS was a Japan exclusive but a press release from EA Japan clearly stated that the highly anticipated and almost 20-year-old franchise from Maxis is going worldwide for the Nintendo DS portable gaming system. Now, some may wonder why an originally American title hit the Japanese market first. And the answer is obvious, they are the first to get anything concerning games, because they are the ones massively buying all that stuff and plus, there will always be a good percentage of contribution coming from the Japanese when a game is in development.

Oh, let's not forget the best part. What, you don't know? The game is rated "AO" (Adults Only) because the game is said to have intense scenes of sexuality and violence. Not a guess anyone would have made but it is true. Now, I'm sure this caught your attention, but if you live elsewhere but Japan, you'll just have to wait 'till June to pick up yours from the local game store, or you can tell your Japanese pen-friend to send you a copy.