Police escorts Wii owner

Dec 18, 2006 11:58 GMT  ·  By

The Wii is probably the most wanted Christmas present, next to the PS3. Some people would do anything to get their hands on one. They would even cross the boundaries of common sense and would probably be able to forget any principle of morality.

Let me tell you a little Wii story. Turns out that a female CNN journalist wanted to surprise her boyfriend and get him a Nintendo Wii for the holidays. In order to accomplish her mission, she had to stand in line, as a new massive shipment had just come in the local store. So far so good...

Leaving aside the hours spent in line, surrounded by shady guys who were just craving for a Nintendo Wii, she finally managed to get her hands on one of those white boxes. She confessed that standing in line surrounded only by guys who were full of anxiety and tension was one of the worst experiences that she had ever gone through.

The journalist says that the guys next to her acted as if their lives depended on getting a Wii. Leaving this aside, she finally managed to get one and realized that it was of the last Wiis in the store, if not the last. She tried to make her way out of the store but angry shoppers started to shove and push her. Being the only female in the store, she had to hear things like: "You probably don't even know how to play. Here give it to me. I'll put it to good use?"

Finally, she had to call the store security to get her out of the hands of the attackers but they followed her outside. Store security had to flag a police car in order to escort the poor journalist back to work.

Now tell me? Is this really necessary? All of this for a simple game console?