Jan 14, 2011 23:21 GMT  ·  By

Bethesda has announced late in 2010, via a trailer at the VGA ceremony, that it was working on a new The Elder Scrolls game, the fifth in the main progression of the series, called Skyrim, and now the developers have begun offering more information on a title that must be pretty far along in the development process, considering that it will arrive before the end of this year.

A lengthy preview in the new edition of Game Informer talks about one of the most important changes in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, revealing that the game will no longer use any pre-defined classes from which the player can choose his role at the beginning of his adventure.

This time around gamers will choose the skills they are interested in and then, when they level up, they will get a chunk of health for their character and then a choice between advancing in magic, getting even more health or receiving a chunk of stamina to help in combat.

The overall direction of their progress will also open up perks and each gamer can choose to specialize and focus on one area of his powers or to spread them around in order to see more content.

The Game Informer preview says that there will be just 18 skills to choose from, compared to more than 20 in Oblivion and in Morrowind, suggesting that Bethesda is interested in allowing players to have a choice but also in creating a streamlined experience.

The development of the main character will also have a clear effect on which quests come up for the player to try.

Mages will be approached by mages to get items and solve their problems while fighters will be able to get access to challenges more suited to their skills.

Bethesda currently plans to release The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on November 11, on the PC, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3.