Dec 21, 2010 11:40 GMT  ·  By

One of the big issues that fans of Dragon Age: Origins have been having with the sequel that is slated to arrive in 2011 has been with the changes that BioWare could make to create a faster-paced game and a new video from the developer shows exactly how different the combat in the two games is.

The first combat information about Dragon Age 2 and the impressions from those gamers who played the behind-the-scenes demos displayed at trade show suggested that BioWare was more interested in capturing the attention of console audiences, through more action-oriented gameplay, rather than keeping the pause-based tactical options seen in Origins.

Now Mike Laidlaw, who is the lead designer working on Dragon Age 2, talks about the game and about the options that gamers have when engaged in battle, showing how two different types of gamers can approach the same combat situations.

The video is pretty well done and works as a way to shut down the more outrageous rumors about Dragon Age 2 and its battle system, with the system specifically created to allow gamers to quickly go through lesser foes while creating complex tactics for the tough ones.

What's a bit worrying about the video is that the art style of Dragon Age 2 seems a bit too far from Origins and even looks worse than in the first installment, especially when high resolution texture packs were attached.

BioWare has already revealed a new character, an elf named Fenris, with the official information saying “He became a living weapon, and eventually used his power to escape his chains. Now he finds himself in a strange land with no friends—and a former master that refuses to let him be.”

This suggests that the lycanthropy that was planned for the main character might have found a home in the new Dragon Age after all.

Here's the full video showing how the upcoming Dragon Age 2 can be played, presumably with a focus on the PC version: