Dec 1, 2010 15:25 GMT  ·  By
Report claims DWTS producers are bent on bringing Lindsay Lohan on board for next season
   Report claims DWTS producers are bent on bringing Lindsay Lohan on board for next season

It’s been only days that the latest season of ABC’s Dancing With the Stars wrapped, and producers are already looking at potential candidates for the following one. High up on their list is actress Lindsay Lohan, says new report.

Ever since her movie career started going downhill, rumors about Lohan doing side projects like reality shows have been plenty: at one point, she was even rumored for Celebrity Rehab.

However, this time is for good: producers from DWTS want her on the next season of the show, a source close to the production reveals for Radar Online.

Not only will DWTS mean a lot of money for Lindsay (Kate Gosseling reportedly got $500,000, Bristol Palin close to $380,000), but it will also boost her popularity, while also showing a side of her the public is not familiar with.

Plus, she can really dance, the source explains.

“Dancing With the Stars producers have had Lindsay on their wish list of castmates for a very long time,” the source says for Radar. They didn’t act on it because of LiLo’s drug and legal problems.

But these are almost solved and the star is clearly on the mend – so now is the time to make a move and make her an offer she can’t refuse, as the saying goes.

“The producers were concerned about her erratic behavior, but they are taking another look at asking her to come on for the next season because she is doing so well at her sober living facility,” the insider says.

“The girl can dance. Lindsay is wicked talented,” the spy assures Radar. And then there’s the supreme argument: “It pays very well. Lindsay has very limited income coming in and this could help get her out of the red.”

As of now, producers have not yet approached Lindsay with the offer, the spy says but, when they do and before she says yes, she will have to consult with her counselors, attorneys and sponsors.