PS3 games cheaper in Japan

Oct 10, 2006 14:54 GMT  ·  By

PS3 pricing for Japan received some confirmation today, as Sony announced the Japanese prices for some first-party games.

Prices for Genji 2, MotorStorm and Resistance: Fall of Man will be around 5,980 yen in Japan. Converted into Great Britain's currency, 5,980 yen is about 27 GBP, which is cheaper than 6,800 yen (GDP 30) the medium price for PS2 titles. Other games like Sonic the Hedgehog and Golf Club are a little bit more expensive, pricing around 7,140 yen (GDP 32).

One thing that bothers UK gamers is that the majority of UK outlets are estimating that the PS3 titles will cost around GDP 50. Maybe they will swindle the UK outlets and mode their console in order to play Japan titles on them.

Things seem to be a little bit cheaper in Japan. To support this statement, please note that the core version of the PS3 will be sold in Japan for US$ 410 and Stateside, it will cost around US$ 510. On top of this higher price for U.S. customers, Sony keeps on delaying the PS3 release. Is it made of gold or what? It better be worth it.