Jan 28, 2011 09:20 GMT  ·  By

Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Xbox 360 has just received its sixth patch, taking the game to version 1.06, while the PlayStation 3 edition, who already got the update, has just received a small hotfix, to resolve issues that were caused by the patch itself.

Call of Duty: Black Ops developer Treyarch has had an extremely busy week, as it deployed update 1.06 to almost all platforms, first with the PC, then with the PlayStation 3 and now with the Xbox 360.

The new Xbox 360 update adds a lot of interesting features, which were also delivered to the PC and PS3 editions of Call of Duty: Black Ops.

These include tweaks made to the gun performance or perks like Second Chance, various fixes to the multiplayer, as well as support for the First Strike downloadable map pack, which hits next week on the Xbox 360.

New Features: New contracts added to the rotation. Added optional pre-match timer for LAN / System-Link games. Support for "First Strike" map pack. All First Strike maps will be available in every playlist on 2/1.

Issues Addressed: Fix timing specific issue where the game can be put into slow motion. Addressed "disconnected path" error when using the doors in Radiation after a host migration. Fixed stability issues navigating lobbies after client on Split Screen Zombies quits out of a game. Addressed issue/exploit when removing Counter Spy Plane effects with the Jammer. Fixed a freeze when quickly loading maps one after another in private match. Fixed issue where players get primary weapons in Second Chance. Fixed "NEW" stamp not disappearing for Custom Slot 9 when highlighting the slot. Removed water vision effect when respawning after dying in the acid pool in Radiation. Several contract fixes. Now allow players to connect to System Link Games even if they are not connected to LIVE. Fixed crash when host migration occurred during a join-in-progress. Fixed issue with players seeing incomplete Create a Class submenus when Party leader switches lobbies or kicks player. Fixed in-game Friends List from opening when viewing then closing the playercard of a player in a lobby. Addressed Zombies split screen issue where players sometimes get booted back in the lobby. Replaced debug text appearing for some content in the in-game Store. Fixed crash when attempting to watch a film or clip with 3 or more profiles signed in. Fixed freeze while watching films and changing sign-in status using inactive profiles. Fixed a freeze if a player opens the Xbox Guide while the match is ending and quits immediately as they arrive in the post-game lobby.

Gameplay Tuning: Second Chance - players that put an enemy into Second Chance are now credited for a full kill once that enemy dies. If another player kills the enemy while the enemy is in Second Chance, they will get assist credit. Adjustments to the PSG1 with attachments. AK74U adjustments. RCXD adjustments. Silenced sniper rifle adjustments. Removed hit markers when shooting friendly equipment.

What's more, Treyarch also deployed a small hotfix for the PlayStation 3 edition of Black Ops, which received its own 1.06 patch earlier this week.

The fix solves some of the issues generated by the patch, like "wonky Killstreak selections" and customized control configurations going back to their default settings.

Both updates will be downloaded automatically when you start up the game on a console connected to the Internet.