Also, Scooter is going to be in it

Jan 25, 2010 11:48 GMT  ·  By

Not long ago, Gearbox released its Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, and it was a more than welcome addition to the game. The chance to go toe-to-toe in the arena with some of the most dangerous characters of Pandora was a lot of fun, and the extra loot came in handy too. And just like most of us hoped, Moxxi isn't the end of the Borderlands series of DLCs opened by the Zombie Island of Doctor Ned.

The news came on Friday, on the official forums, as a Gearbox designer posted it in the "Guess What" thread. Apparently, after they finished the Zombies DLC, the developer team started browsing through the community feedback, searching for new things to add to the game. And besides announcing that a new update is coming up for the title, he also revealed that the level cap would be raised, among other things.

"After finalizing Zombies DLC, the team and I began reading the DLC feedback around the forums on the wants and desires. Guess what, level cap increase anyone? Got it and it's awesome," he said. And there's no reason to doubt him. "Hopefully we can get a full announcement out to you guys soon but, man is this the biggest DLC we have made. So don’t worry, we are working really hard right now on both the update (that solves a bunch of issues) and the DLC."

Other news came in a bit later, in a creative dispute over who loved Borderlands fans more. In order to not let himself be outdone, Mikey Neumann, Gearbox's creative director, conceded us some attention as well and revealed one of the NPCs that would take an active role in the DLC. "I'ma leak something too then: More Scooter!" In case that doesn't ring a bell, just think of Catch-o-Ride, and Scooter's request to take a poke at it.