How ​Twitter Can Get People to Vote

How ​Twitter Can Get People to Vote

A recent study shows that Twitter can influence the way people vote, especially in the case of young people

Picture of the Day: Gorilla Desperately Tries to Steal Youngsters' Bananas

Picture of the Day: Gorilla Desperately Tries to Steal Youngsters' Bananas

The two young girls keep teasing the animal, hold the bananas in front of it

Adult Elephants Teach Youngsters How to Raid Farms

Adult Elephants Teach Youngsters How to Raid Farms

The behavior is apparently passed down through the generations

Abused Nazca Booby Youngsters Become Abusers Themselves

Abused Nazca Booby Youngsters Become Abusers Themselves

Animals reveal similar tendencies to those recorded in humans