The behavior is apparently passed down through the generations

Feb 23, 2012 13:52 GMT  ·  By
Adult elephants apparently teach their youngsters how to raid farms in Kenya
   Adult elephants apparently teach their youngsters how to raid farms in Kenya

Talk about being a bad role model! A study conducted in Kenya recently shows that adult elephants are teaching their kids how to raid poor peasants' farms. At first, researchers thought they were dreaming, but apparently that behavior is real.

I don't think I've ever seen a study demonstrating the existence of a similar behavior in another species. It makes you wonder about what other types of behaviors are passed down from generation to generation without our knowledge.

Maybe those famous primates using sticks to capture ants and termites did not learn to do so on their own, but were rather instructed in this art by their parents. For the recent study, experts analyzed elephants in the Amboseli National Park, north of Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya, Science Now reports.