Bar Serves Man Industrial Cleaner Instead of White Wine, He Dies

Bar Serves Man Industrial Cleaner Instead of White Wine, He Dies

The man suffered extensive internal burns, doctors say

This Dishwasher Is Fully Functional Despite How It Came About - Video

This Dishwasher Is Fully Functional Despite How It Came About - Video

The power of running water once again proves itself

World's Fastest Dishwasher Goes Through 50 Plates in 10 Seconds

World's Fastest Dishwasher Goes Through 50 Plates in 10 Seconds

The dishwasher's dexterity is amazing and his speed is even more surprising

Over 60% of Dishwashers Are Colonized by Dangerous Fungi

Over 60% of Dishwashers Are Colonized by Dangerous Fungi

Researchers find that dishwashers are not as clean as people think they are

Apple Is Hiring a Dishwasher

Apple Is Hiring a Dishwasher

The dirty dishes are piling up at Apple’s Mathilda Cafeteria