Rare Somali Wild Ass Born at Zoo Basel in Switzerland

Rare Somali Wild Ass Born at Zoo Basel in Switzerland

The foal is the offspring of mom Djara and dad Gigolo, keepers say

Watch: Hyperactive Wild Ass Foals Dance and Prance at St. Louis Zoo

Watch: Hyperactive Wild Ass Foals Dance and Prance at St. Louis Zoo

The zoo is now home to five Somali wild ass foals, could not be happier

Three Somali Wild Ass Foals Born at Woburn Safari Park in England

Three Somali Wild Ass Foals Born at Woburn Safari Park in England

The species is critically endangered, conservationists are breeding them in captivity

Critically Endangered Somali Wild Ass Born at Zoo Basel in Switzerland

Critically Endangered Somali Wild Ass Born at Zoo Basel in Switzerland

Conservationists say the foal's birth is crucial for the survival of its species