Every Country Has Its Own YouTube

Every Country Has Its Own YouTube

Local version of the online video sharing service

Could Aliens Speak English? Could they speak?

Could Aliens Speak English? Could they speak?

What language would they speak, if any?

Google's Digital Photos Sent to 19 Countries

Google's Digital Photos Sent to 19 Countries

Picasa receives language support

Learning Chinese is Genetic!

Learning Chinese is Genetic!

A genetic link to tonal languages

The Origins of the Etruscans

The Origins of the Etruscans

From Troy to Atlantis and Italy

Google in Foreign Languages?!

Google in Foreign Languages?!

No problem, says Google

The Most Primitive Language?

The Most Primitive Language?

A vivid debate...

"Ik houd van u" Blogger!

Eight new languages for the blog service

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