Sony says that it wants to manufacture enough discs to satisfy the major demand associated with the series

Mar 2, 2016 09:31 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Naughty Dog and publisher Sony are announcing that they are once again delaying the launch of the long-awaited Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, with the two companies aiming to now deliver it worldwide on May 10 of this year on the PlayStation 4.

The PS Blog announcement explains that the developers are now finishing production on the title and that Gold status should be achieved before the end of the month, with the experience then headed to manufacturing.

Apparently, the delay is linked to the fact that demand for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is expected to be very high, and Sony wants to make sure that enough discs are created to make sure that everyone has a chance to play the final adventures of Nathan Drake on day one.

The official announcement adds, "We know this news might be disappointing, and we are sorry to have to make you wait a little longer to play Naughty Dog’s latest. The good news is that the game is phenomenal — we are fully confident that it will be worth the wait and the team at Naughty Dog is eager as ever for you to experience Nathan Drake’s final adventure."

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was initially set to arrive on April 26 in North America and one day later in Europe and was before then delayed a few extra time to make sure that Naughty Dog could offer the level of quality that the player base is expecting from the title.

Nathan Drake will search for Libertalia with his long lost brother

The developers working on the experience have said that they are trying to create the most emotional title in the series, with a series that focuses on how the protagonist can balance his need for adventure with his concern for the people he loves.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End starts with Nathan Drake reuniting with brother Sam and they then head to search for a hidden pirate sanctuary called Libertalia that apparently hides a treasure and is also the target of a shadowy group.

The game will feature extended action set pieces bigger than in any previous installment in the series as well as a new dialog wheel that will offer gamers a chance to reach in new ways, although the story remains largely linear.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was extensively re-written during the development process after Amy Henning left Naughty Dog and the company says that it has tried to make sure that his final adventure shows the best the franchise has to offer.

The game will also feature a multiplayer mode that features the many characters of the franchise as well as the relics that Nathan Drake has sought during his travels, with cooperation required for success.

Naughty Dog says that the game will be a showcase for the power of the PlayStation 4 and will run at 1080p resolution and 60 frames per second in single-player and at 900p and 60 FPS when gamers are engaged in multiplayer.