New phones targeting impaired people available

Jul 7, 2010 10:35 GMT  ·  By

Just5, a small mobile phone manufacturer specialized in making handsets for seniors, people with poor eyesight or hearing problems, with medical conditions that require constant care and children who need a “starter phone,” has just announced its new lineup. Showcased for the first time at CTIA 2010 in Las Vegas, the phone lineup offers only basic features users.

Just5 phones have been designed for ease of use, reliability and emergency response, and include large buttons, a high-volume speaker for amplified sound, a long-lasting battery for reliability, and an emergency SOS button.

"There is a great opportunity for a phone that places a high priority on ease of use and offers just the most commonly used functions," said Alex Petrov, vice president of operations at Just5 Americas. "We want to open mobile phones to specific populations that may have difficulty using the latest and greatest mobile gadgets, especially the current generation of 'baby boomers' who need a safe, reliable phone."

An interesting feature of the devices is called “speaking pad” and audibly confirms which button of the keypad is pressed. The phones have an increased speaker volume (up to 100db), an FM radio, a flashlight function and an emergency-response function. The last one enables users to preset five mobile phone numbers and dial it with only one press of the keypad. And the things don't stop here.

As soon as the special SOS button is pressed, the phone will activate a siren to attract attention and then send an SMS to the five preset numbers. The gizmo will start dialing the five numbers according to the way users prioritize them. Once someone answers the call, the phone will switch to loudspeaker. This is a pretty nifty and easy to use feature.

Just5 phones are currently available in the U.S. and Canada and can be bought for around US$120. There are five colors available for customers: Black, Red, Gray, Orange and White.

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Just5 phone (white)
Just5 phone (black)
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